The first idea for this painting was a woman sitting at the window. Window for me signifies dreams and freedom. I was also sure I wanted to paint tropical plants. I love tropics. I could have a house somewhere on the island and work there. I love the smell of tropics. The humidity and density of the tropical air. I must have lived in a place like this in my previous life :-)Anyway, so this woman is sitting there alone. We see she is very melancholic. She misses something deeply. Something that is out there. Out of the window. But she sits  back to it. She doesn't want to turn towards it. She chooses to stay in the room, in her comfort zone. Surrounded by her dogs who give her comfort and the love she needs.


I always change my original idea. That is my process. I would like to stick to the first plan. Would be much easier. But I decided to accept the way how the ideas are born in my head and  don't fight with it. I just change the plan.Very often sometimes:-) So the at the beginning of painting that piece....instead of the plant there was....a man.

PRICE: 6700 euro; 29 OOO PLN